ENERWATER – Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants (H2020)

Grant agreement ID: 649819 

Status: Closed project 

Start date: March 2015 

End date: October 2018

Funded under: H2020-EU.3.3.7. 

Overall budget: € 1,731,087 

EU contribution: € 1,731,087 

Coordinator: Universidad De Santiago De Compostela (Spain) 

General concept

The main objective of ENERWATER was to develop, validate and disseminate an innovative standard methodology for continuously assessing, labelling and improving the overall energy performance of WWTPs. For that purpose, a collaboration framework in the wastewater treatment sector including research groups, SMEs, utilities, city councils, authorities and industry were be set up. ENERWATER devoted important efforts to ensure that the method was widely adopted. Subsequent objectives were to impulse dialogue towards the creation of a specific European legislation following the example of recently approved EU directives, to achieve EU energy reductions objectives for 2020, ensuring effluent water quality, environmental protection and compliance with the WFD. These actions brought European Water Industry a competitive advantage in new products development and a faster access to markets by facilitating evidence of reduction therefore fostering adoption on new technologies. 


The main role of UNIVPM in ENERWATER was related to the supervision of monitoring activities in n.15 Italian WWTPs where energy monitoring systems were installed, with the purpose to get an updated public benchmark database with energy data from all plants.  UNIVPM participated in the creation of the ENERWATER methodology, for the calculation of the energy index and energy classes (A, B, C, D, E, F) and carried out energy audits on Italian WWTPs to test and evaluate the Methodology, even in terms of socio-economic impact.   UNIVPM has also been in charge of the engagement of italian stakeholders (research groups, WWTP builders and designers, water authorities, WWTP operators, ESCOS, equipment providers and other WWTP stakeholders), through a Joint Standardisation Stakeholders Workshop and the elaboration of a Report on standardisation activity. A full set of recommendations for a future directive about energy performance of WWTPs was delivered to EC.  

Impacts and results

ENERWATER created an organized structure of collaboration to yield a methodology based on previous works and experiences. The methodology was tested to reach an 11to 30% energy reduction in 65 WWTPs (15-20) WWTPs per country (preliminary selection has been done of total), and it was also offered as an online tool to facilitate the work to WWTPs managers. ENERWATER created an open benchmarking database to share energy data results. Discussion and networking with European stakeholders were promoted. Finally, contribution of the project to the European standardisation system proposed and fostered the elaboration of a new standardisation document. The main result of the coordinated action was a methodology, which was suitably, assessed and tested in real case scenarios. Other results included: An automated tool reflecting the developed methodology, an energy benchmarking database, a guideline document on water treatment technologies and best practices for energy efficiency, proposal and contribution to a new standard and a set of recommendations to the EU commission towards a future directive.